NOOOOO !!.... Comet ISON is now pronounced dead....

Comet ISON is dead !!

It is one of the most highly anticipated astronomical event in 2014. Some say this comet will burns brighter than our moon.Now, this hope has now has evaporated as the comet did not make it around the sun.

ISON, once claimed as the "comet of the century" is barely a year old when it's encounter with the sun brings to it's untimely death. Naval Research Lab astronomer Karl Battams, who headed the observing campaign for the comet, said ISON was stretched and pulled by the sun's powerful gravity. It was also hit with solar radiation. And the icy snowball just fell apart.

Had ISON survived it would have provided good naked-eye viewing in early December for the Northern Hemisphere, astronomers said. NASA had aimed several telescopes and spacecraft at the comet to watch its close brush with the sun, only to find it missing after the encounter.

Credit : NBC News

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